Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Intergovernmental Relations Syrian Refugees - Free Essay Example

Abstract The paper will start with a brief introduction of what is intergovernmental relations and how it relates to immigration. Followed by our research purpose and research question, how do the collaboration and conflict among federal, state and local governments affect the efficiency of the immigration policy? The purpose of the study is to provide a thorough understanding of the intergovernmental institutions and processes within immigration focusing in the Syrian refugees and sanctuary cities. We will briefly discuss the intergovernmental agreements such as public service, political parties, interest groups and independent and joint agencies. Introduction Intergovernmental relations were developed to enable the cooperative policy between all levels of government.These relationships are to intentionally connect separated powers of each governmental branch. The forms of intergovernmental relations has changed over the past few years, and its future is subject to change based on the political atmosphere of its time. The term Intergovernmental relations (IGR) started in the 1930s as a phrase unique to the United States’ democracy. â€Å"It was a concept aimed at summarizing the general and varied growth in relationships among the local, state, and national government† (Wright, 2006). The most recent intergovernmental issue that has been the center of attention on every social media and news platform was the Syrian immigrants and refugees in the United States. During the 2016 United States elections, President Donald Trump’s campaign demonstrated a strong opinion in regards to naturalized citizens and non-naturalized currently in the United States. The Trump Administration’s attitude towards Syrian refugees and migrants from other countries was noticed during his campaign. His campaign platform consisted of negativity towards Syrians who were already in the country and for those waiting for asylum. During his campaign he promised to ban immigration from Arab and Muslim countries whom are â€Å"compromised by terrorism†. In 2015, before leaving office, former President Barack Obama informed of the arrangement to accommodate over 10,000 Syrian Refugees. However, on January 27, 2017 President Donald Trump did what he promised during his campaign and issued an executive order prohibiting the entrance of current and future United States citizens from seven Muslim countries. Many were negated the opportunity to obtain a visa or not allowed to enter the country at all. This executive order is considered unconstitutional due to the fact that it would go against several federal laws in addition to the fifth amendment of the Constitution. The executive order President Trump imposed gave rise to the intergovernmental relations between the federal and state governments in the United States. The president forced an obligatory ban; however, states had the decision whether to enforce or reject the idea. Since many states opposed the idea, lawsuits were filed by the state government against the federal government. Another raising issue that will be discussed in relations to the Syrian refugees are the sanctuary cities, to which would raise federalism issues. This research paper will focus on immigration, specifically on Syrian Refugees and how the settlement brought a few states and the federal government into different conflicts. We will also discuss how the collaboration and conflict among federal, state and local governments affect the efficiency of the immigration policy. Federalism The United States government has a very complex framework. The limitations of checks and balances the United States federal government constrains the powers of all branches, in addition the powers of the state government could alter the enforcements of certain policies. Federalism refers to the division of powers between the states and federal government. Federalism was made as a political answer for the issue of expansive and assorted country states, for example, the United States. To start with, we have the assembled states as a nation that would hold power in vital circles. The national government would likewise have influence in some practical territories. The states that are part of it, their framework was to have a state focused federalism instead of a country focused federalism, to secure states rights. Second, we have a bicameral congress which was made in which one chamber the senate gives each state square with portrayal paying little mind to geographic size or populace. T he place of agents, which is the lower chamber which is a portrayal as indicated by the populace, as opposed to states. Third, we have various layers of portrayal. The national government would preferably coordinate control over natives, instead of following up on them through the state government. Federalism is a type of political decentralization. It isolates political specialist and power between the national government and the states, regions or comparative government bodies. Federalism and authoritative decentralization have distinctive purposes. One advances political qualities, alternate advances administrative effectiveness of productivity, economy, authoritative adequacy and responsiveness to customers and clients (Rosenbloom et al p. 101). The worlds most vital relocation and-law theme of the most recent hundred years is exiles, including refuge, non-refoulement and security from torment, dealing and viciousness. Immigration in the United States The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is the earliest example of an intergovernmental relation policy that specifically excluded an ethnic group. The Chinese population was seen as a threat to the United states economy due to the immense migration wave. In this timeframe there is a similarity with the Syrian Refugees since both policies were exclusive of certain ethnic groups. The Chinese Exclusion Act was ruled inhumane and unconstitutional. Conversely, the travel ban policy was overruled by some states and debates are still taking place because some say it’s unconstitutional, however the way it was presented indicates that it was aimed to exclude groups from Muslim countries. The idea behind the travel ban policy was to protect the United States from countries where terrorist groups are prominent. Relating it back to intergovernmental relations, both policies are determined to be followed or disobeyed based on the state government. Since the 1970’s, the United States has been the predominant location for international migration. There have been numerous policies that have shaped the patterns of immigration. One of the first immigration policies to challenge the flow of immigration that was imposed by the U.S. federal government was the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965. This act was the turning point of immigration from previous migration restriction from Asia and Africa. This would favor the migration of people from the northern and western parts of Europe over the southern and eastern Europeans. In the 1960’s the U.S. government faced both foreign and domestic pressure to change its nation-based formula that discriminated based on individual’s place of birth. The growth of undocumented immigration in the United States would continue to rise despite efforts to control it. Since the late 20th century large streams of immigrants from countries in close proximity like Mexico have found ways to bypass the U.S. border checkpoints with strict border enforcement. The 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act allowed 3.3 million undocumented individuals to legalize but this did not resolve the problem. There is not any indication by experts that the inflow of unauthorized immigrants will diminish soon. Although the exclusionary acts and the Immigration Act of 1924 did manage to reduce immigration from countries such as Asia and Eastern Europe, the actual impact of these laws failed to completely control the flow of migration into the United States (Zhao,2016). Over the past two decades, new anti-immigration policies and laws have evolved to address the migration of undocumented immigrants. Because of immeasurably unique expectations for everyday comforts caused by substantial salary aberrations among developed and developing nation, individuals have been moving to all the more encouraging and created districts from the beginning of time. Intergovernmental Relations and Syrian Immigrants Syrian immigrants and refugees have found themselves at the center of debate during the Trump presidency. All levels of governments have clearly showcased a division of opinions when it comes to the refugee crisis. In a study conducted on Syrian immigrants, this group was an overwhelmingly large portion of immigrants who came to the United States before the recent refugee crisis. The Syrian immigrants, like other immigrants, have always made some form of contribution to local economies around the country, their success in this is a positive sign that the United States is a place that can provide opportunity for a diverse population. As the United States continues to accept refugees fleeing the horrific Syrian war zone shows the positive impact of their success. Those refugees will find that it can help to have a receiving community which includes people who share culture, speak the same language and in many cases, religious backgrounds and understand both sides of the transformation that refugees will be making from living in Syria to living in the United States. During the worldwide Syrian refugee crisis, the United States admitted 15,583 Syrian refugees between January 2014 and October 2016. While this is a small fraction of the 4.8 million Syrian refugees registered by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees as of November 2016, reaching the United States’ goal of admitting 10,000 refugees from Syria in fiscal year 2016 which it achieved by August 31, 2016 has been important as a means of demonstrating the national commitment to the international efforts to manage the refugee crisis (Mahtema,2016). According to Mahtema, Syrian refugees arrive in the United States after an extensive and highly structured vetting process. As with other refugee communities, the government and resettlement agencies collaborate to find locations that are suitable for refugee resettlement: Attention is given to cost of housing, availability of jobs, and whether there is a receiving community that can help the refugees settle. In the case of Syrian refuge es, there is already a significant population of Syrian immigrants living in cities such as Los Angeles, Allentown, Pennsylvania, and Houston. Migration greatly affects the economy in three main areas: the labor market, the public purse, and economic growth. When it relates to labor markets migrants accounted for 47% of the increase in the workforce in the United States. Boubtane et al (2013) further described how the native born, young migrants are better educated than those nearing retirement. Migrants contribute more in taxes and social contributions than they receive in benefits. Employment is the single biggest determinant of migrant’s fiscal contribution. Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of receiving countries. They also contribute to technological progress. National Security National security has increased over the years and has been more strict with certain ethnic groups. In the United States studies have shown that refugees are screened more strictly than any other group of foreign immigrants. The process of screening the refugees consists of careful background checks that is be conducted by the Department of State and various other groups such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), various national defense and intelligence agencies, and on top of in-person interview. For Syrians, on average the processing time takes about 18-24 months. Of the refugees admitted to the United States via the resettlement program since 9/11, there is a likely percentage that some will have been arrested on the terms of terrorism-related charges of seeking to commit an attack on the United States (Chishti,2016). After the 9/11 attack, national security increased, all the states felt threatened and states provided funding to Homeland Security. Prior to an immigration visa being approved, the application goes through a more vigorous process placing the national security as head of the immigration processes. Since 9/11, the president and congress have screened immigration policy proposals and procedures. The 9/11 attack left many in constant fear and created a phobia from people who came from Muslim countries. The Bush administration passed the USA Patriot Act was passed by congress with the purpose to expand authority to search, monitor, and detain citizens and non-citizens. However, the act isolated ethnic groups such as Arabs, Muslims and Sikhs. â€Å"TSA was given the authority to detain, deport, or file criminal charges against noncitizens† (Hing, 2006). The immigration related proposal expanded the government’s authority, and act on the name of national security. Actions taken by governments in recent years During President Obama’s term in office, he took on several actions that would temporarily legalize some type of relief and aid to many undocumented immigrants. In 2012, the Obama administration jump started a program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). This act would offer renewable, two-year deportation deferrals and workers permits to young, undocumented immigrants who had arrived to the United States as children and had no criminal records. Former President Obama characterized the movement as a â€Å"stopgap measure† and insisted that Congress should pass the Dream Act. Furthermore in 2014, former President Obama attempted to extend the similar benefits of recipients of the DACA to as many as five million undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents. This would give rise to conflict between the executive branch and about more than two dozen U.S. states that opposed. These states would later sue the Obama administration, against the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA), because it apparently violated the federal immigration law and was against the U.S. Constitution. In 2015A Texas federal judge blocked the program, and the Supreme Court was able to remove it in 2016 (Felter, 2018). Although, many Republicans had a view that Obama administration was far too lenient on the enforcement in its efforts to remove any undocumented immigrants who have criminal charges. President Donald Trump’s response was to signed several executive orders that would alter immigration policy of the Obama era. The first executive order that was signed focused on the security of the physical border. These orders instructed that the federal government to construct a wall â€Å"to obtain complete operational control† of the U.S. border with Mexico. This would end the practice of catch and release, where certain unauthorized immigrants who were captured at the border would be released into the United States while they await court hearings. Additionally, this allowed the expansion of the application of â€Å"expedited removal†. This included any unauthorized immigrant that could not prove they had been in the United States for two years, allowing easy access to be remo ved without a court hearing (Felter, 2018). The second executive order focused on the expansion of internal border enforcement. This would expand all categories of unauthorized immigrants prioritized for removal and ordered increases in border patrol and detention facilities. It also ordered the restriction of federal funds from sanctuary jurisdictions, to which limited their abilities and power in regards to federal immigration officials (Felter, 2018). The third executive order focused on terrorism prevention, banned all people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen from entering the United States for at least ninety days. This travel ban would blocked nationals from Syria indefinitely and suspended the U.S. refugee program for 120 days. These actions would cause an uproar of protests and legal cases from individuals, cities, and states to challenge the executive orders.The travel ban suffered several legal setbacks; the Trump administration underwent several revisions of the order, and ended up being taken to the Supreme Court, where it is currently still up for debate. (Felter, 2018) How are the States and Local authorities handling the issue? States vary in the way they treat undocumented immigrants due to the fact that opinions on the issue have created a clear division between people in the government.There are a few cases to which states are lenient with undocumented groups of immigrant. There are some that even offer some privileges that regular citizens have access too. For example, California enable undocumented settlers to apply for drivers licenses, receive in-state tuition at universities, and other in-state benefits. Yet, there continues to be division amongst the states on how to deal with undocumented or unauthorized people. There are many factors that contribute to a state’s attitude towards a group of immigrants. For instance, events such as terrorists attacks that occurred December 2015 in Paris, there were at least 31 U. S governors that issued statements opposing the Syrian refugees into their states. This would lead to several states issuing legal challenges in regards to the placement of Syrians. Yet none have been successful to date, meanwhile there are various, voluntary organizations working in the U.S. government on the resettling refugees across the United States. Conclusion Syrian immigrants are doing well once they can adjust to the American culture. It is not always necessary for successful integration to have a receiving community of the same background as an incoming refugee group. The research paper was intended to focus on Immigration specifically in the Syrian Refugees. Refugee settlement brought certain states and the federal government into different conflicts. The paper also discussed how Syrian Refugees and migrants have contributed to the economic growth not only of their local government but also the state and federal. It seems unclear how refugees are selected or their selection process. However, as it’s presented in the paper Syrian refugees seeking asylum has brought intergovernmental relations to play either against or in favor of migration because while the federal government might be against it, we have the state power who will support and create laws and policies to help the community.

Monday, May 18, 2020

John Lennons Use of Writing in Lyrics Essay - 1674 Words

John Lennon, the late Beatle, and immortal Walrus, said, â€Å"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. See how they run, like pigs from a gun, see how they fly-I’m crying.† And, the strangest thing about it is, after A Hard Day’s Night of typing this into my computer’s grammar checker, the program didn’t indicate a single error. Imagine, three decades before the age of the word processor, Lennon made his words Come Together. Think back to secondary school. What would many of your teacher’s reaction have been had you written what John Lennon did? I think I have an idea how some of my teachers might have reacted. I’d likely have been referred to the guidance counselor for drug counseling, and I’d have been sent home with†¦show more content†¦In fact, some went so far as to compare the work to poetry. Based upon what we perceived to be indicators of his social background, many of us may have felt pressure to be politically correct in our initial evaluation of John’s assignment. In her essay, â€Å"On the Subjects of Class and Gender in ‘The Literacy Papers’,† Linda Brodkey writes, â€Å"Since writers cannot avoid constructing a social and political reality in their texts, as teachers we need to learn how to ‘read’ the various relationships between writer, reader, and reality that language and discourse supposedly produce† (640). I believe the opinion was unanimous that his writing skills are poor and in serious need of attention. Therefore, based upon the vague parameters of the assignment and the fact that it was an initial paper in a remedial composition course, agreeing on a letter grade posed some problems for us. If you recall, there were those of us who were quite lenient in our assessment, and there were those who tended to grade the composition more strictly. I’ll add that even those who went easy on the assignment agreed that they would get tougher on John’s future writing. Brodkey adds, â€Å"The question then is how to read what students write. And at issue is the unquestioned power of a pedagogical authority that insists that teachers concentrate on form at the expense of content† (640). I suggest that the scenario posed by this student presents an ethical question: Is it fair to judgeShow MoreRelated`` Imagine `` By John Lennon : An Intellectual Or An Emotional Impact On Society1105 Words   |  5 PagesSome poets prefer to use specific form, style, and tone; however, others rejected the idea and simply wrote what they preferred. One demands simple things of a poem. A poem must have a meaning, an intellectual or an emotional impact on society, and some sort of rhythmic scheme. Today, is it easy to find poetry and poets everywhere. A very common place where poetry is found, but often overlooked, is in music. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Starbuckss Effective Advertisements And Its Unique...

Our society today is surrounded by advertisements and avoiding them is impossible. The purpose of having an advertisement is to convince the buyer to purchase the product. Advertisements make a company successful by convincing the consumer to purchase more products by appealing to their emotions with the use of advertising techniques such as bribery, descriptive words, and catchy slogans. One such modern and successful company is Starbucks. Starbucks’s effective advertisements and its unique characteristics allows the company to fulfill a customer’s desire which in turn lets them be a successful company. The menu at Starbucks includes coffees, teas, and pastries in various flavors. The plain, old, regular coffee is now transformed to a†¦show more content†¦The logo of a Siren persuades the consumer to buy the coffee since it is very popular. The Siren represents a mysterious atmosphere. It makes the visualizer wonder if there are any limits to the Starbucks’s menu. In addition to the appearance of the advertisements, Starbucks has seasonal or monthly promotions to grasp more people’s attention. Starbucks relies heavily on the technique of association, specifically warm and fuzzy, to sell their seasonal drinks. The creation of holiday drinks shows that Starbucks is family-oriented because Starbucks cares about the importance of American holidays and family gatherings. The holiday drinks are only served during a precise period of time. Besides the holiday drinks, Starbucks uses holiday decorations like the red Christmas cups for the customers to get in the holiday spirit as a way to sell more beverages. Due to the appeal of emotions, the seasonal drinks become popular and are sold more. Furthermore, the monthly deals and the seasonal drinks are considered as a form of bribery that helps the company expand, since it motivates others to buy the products. For instance, there is an application on phones that helps customers gain rewards and re ceive discounts or free drinks when reaching a certain amount of points. A unique feature about Starbucks is that the employees are considered baristas. This is the first time in this generation that a person

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Nature Of Identity Is Attributed By The Environment...

The nature of one’s identity is attributed by the environment that influences the experiences that the individual intakes. Self is the fundamental being that separates individuals due to the uniqueness of their minds and the experiences that influence the distinctiveness of identity. Martha Stout’s background in psychology initializes a deeper understanding of self through the analysis of stories told by her patients who suffer from dissociation in her writing called â€Å"When I Woke Up Tuesday Morning, It Was Friday†. Her examination of her patient’s stories helped broaden their understanding of their issues of self but not completely find the truth of their identity. Along with the identity of self, Stout’s patients were also challenged with†¦show more content†¦Stout and Bell capitalize the importance of narration in their writings to play part in the identities of characters Jayanthi and Seth. Jayanthi, an Indian woman that manipulates her sexuality to disprove societal and cultural labels which is categorized by Bell as the Sexual Woman, takes narration into account when she recollects her history to her friends and family. The adrenaline and eccentricity of the stories give her purpose that is displayed through the context of her stories. She also uses narration to interpret her desire for relationship but struggles to find one. Bell explains after bad-girl Jayanthi tells her sexual experience and relational denials, â€Å"She was aware now that she had been feeling insecure at the time, and that she had been seeking out attention and affection†¦ At the time she had longed for a sexual history, for stories that would make her real and alive†(33). Through her stories, Jayanthi realized her faults in her immense sexual experiences that cut her away from having a tangible relationship that would change her bad-girl identity. Knowing that she craves attention, she prefers the sexual lifestyle in order t o have a purpose to relate to in her stories. On the other hand, Stout’s patient, Seth, utilizes narration to directly tell Stout the effect that dissociation causes him. Dissociation disrupts Seth’s identity as well as hisShow MoreRelatedEtiology of Pediatric Obesity776 Words   |  3 PagesFast food, as an aspect of our cultural identity, alone, cannot be responsible for the epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States, as the behavior of children is largely reliant on the influences of their parents. Home and social environments, parenting styles, family-feeding practices are the primary influences on early childhood nutritional behaviors. 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A Crime of Violence - 2440 Words

A Crime of Violence Today on today’s news a 23 year old was brutally murdered by her husband, leaving her one and only daughter Tyaira Zyaira Balance a motherless child. Ta’Osia Thompson was suffocated and then shot dead. Her husband then attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. He is now in critical condition; on life support at ECMC. Situations like this occurs all too often, although it’s wrong people often endure abuse every day. The story about Ta’Osia Thompson is a story all too well; Ta’Osia Thompson is my first cousin who was murdered April 1st, 202 by her abusive husband. Ta’Osia was 23 years old and the mother of 1. She was a college graduate, married, successful and everyone thought she was happy and had a perfect life. Abuse can happen to anyone regardless of age, race, sexuality, gender, or relationship status. Some people may not know they are being abused because they are either ignorant or don’t know which type of abuse is being inflicted onto them. 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A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay Example For Students

A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay In the novel A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, many different aspects are explored such as culture, magic realism, irony and how these connect along with the narration. Marques develops a story about Santiago Nasars tragical death using these aspects to tell the story. This essay seeks to demonstrate how the effects of magic realism, the culture of townspeople and how the use of irony marks the fate of Santiago Nasar. Magic realism holds the definition of A literary or artistic genre in which realistic narrative or technique is combined with surreal elements of dream or fantasy . In the novel structure, narration along with multiple perspectives defines the magic realism that is evident in the novel. The format of the novel is a chronicle as the title has revealed. Chronicles are made in the way that the information is based on witness accounts, information gathered from many different places and perspectives. In the novel, the narrator speaks in 1st person narration, but because of the different accounts, the narration suddenly becomes omniscient, all-knowing, all though this would be more common to see in a 3rd person point of view. This would then be able to signify the narrator as not just one person, but several people (since that is the way chronicles work) telling the story of Santiago Nasar, giving the feeling of magic realism through multiple-perspectives in one narrator. Along with the constant repetition of stating that Nasar was going to die it confirms the theme of fate and how predestined it was all along. It is already recognized in the first sentence of the novel On the day that they were going to kill him, Santiago Nasar got up at five-thirty in the morning to wait for the boat the bishop was coming on. (p. 1), the author uses the chronicle structure to inflict the flickering of different witness accounts which leads to play of timeline. The novel is based on different stories, again built on witness accounts that all lead to the same conclusion Santiago Nasar dying the inevitable fate. This concludes that the structure gives the inevitable fate of Santiagos life be left in the hands of the Vicario brothers and that all the people around him had no power to stop it, Its as if it had already happened (p. 62) Another evidence of this is also on the first page Hed dreamed he was going through a grove of timber trees where a gentle drizzle was falling, and for an instant he was happy in his dream, but when he awoke he felt completely spattered with bird shit (p. 1) the obscure difference between dream and reality of the novel, again a use of magic realism, confirms the foreshadowed fate of Santiago Nasar. Secondly, the fate of Santiago Nasar is also based on the culture and society at which the tragedy occurs at. South American culture in this society is deeply rooted, as this town was very enclosed. There was not much communication. It is to the extent when the bishop plans to come for a visit, it becomes the event of the year and everyone in town prepares for it. To emphasize, this means that it is very isolated, which means that the culture is deeply rooted and has not developed it is still quite conservative. Among these deeply rooted cultural beliefs machismo/honor and beliefs of superstition are present in the novel. Machismo is well-presented in the characters of the Vicario brothers. They have to be the men in the family as the father cannot work, so they have to take care of the work that the father otherwise would have done. .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce , .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .postImageUrl , .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce , .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce:hover , .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce:visited , .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce:active { border:0!important; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce:active , .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaaf329d389f754f616bbba70b084dbce:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Extract from INGSOC essaySo, when taking up the role they had been given as the men of the family, the issue of their sister Angela not being a virgin anymore inevitably had to be dealt with by them. It had to be done, Theres no way out of this. Its as if it had already happened (p. 62), it was fated. This situation is directly connected to honor, as Angela marrying someone directly represents the family. When she reveals that Santiago Nasar took her virginity, the only thing that needed to be done to restore this damage of honor was to kill him. Superstition is also an important part of their cultural beliefs. Many of the dreams and thoughts were interpreted as a meaning of life. Santiago Nasars mother had a well-earned reputation as an accurate interpreter of other peoples dreams (p. 2), emphasizing the importance of superstition and magical belief. Tragically, in the end his mother misinterpreted his dreams and could not help him, along with the rest of the town, again implying his inevitable fate. The ones who could have helped and still didnt do it consoled themselves with the pretext that affairs of honor are sacred monopolies with access only for those who are part of the drama. Honor is love. (p. 98), conveys the importance of honor and how people should not intervene with other peoples business. This all leads to Santiago Nasars inevitable fate. Lastly, irony plays a major role in rendering the predetermined fate of the people of town. There did not seem to be a single force that could stop the Vicario brother from pursuing what they had to do, not even themselves. The reason for killing Santiago Nasar being legitimate defense of honor (p. 48), made it difficult for them, even though they themselves did not want to go through with it. Clotilde Armenta is used to observe the brothers and the people around them that could have stopped it. The officer Leandro Pornoy did not believe what he was told (that the brothers were going to kill Santiago Nasar) and continued his day in peace. Hed settled so many fights between friends the night before that he was in no hurry for another one. (p. 56) the irony is very clear here. He could have easily stopped the brothers, who wanted him to, but he did not. Right after the mayor sees them and pursues to take away their knives, thinking Now they havent got anything to kill anybody with (p. 7) had he arrested them, the hunt would have been disrupted, hence clearing yet again another evidence of the inevitable fate of Santiago Nasar. The people that could have stopped the murder did not, simply because of disbelief or just did not feel like it at that time. Even when the brothers spread it around the people, the source of gossip, did not quite believe it as well, We thought it was drunkards baloney (p. 52) a butcher had stated. A lot of people agreed with this. This, again, strengthens the theory of inevitable fate. Through these witness accounts we get to know the different perspectives, and each time there is this slight hope building up in the chances of Santiago Nasar getting warned, but gets crushed as we once again get told that Santiago Nasar dies his predetermined fate. In conclusion, the different perspectives leading up to the inevitable fate of Santiago Nasar, explain how and why it was so difficult to stop it. How it all coincidentally worked out, how the culture of the town restricted it from helping Santiago Nasar and how the irony of it was not predicted in time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Johnson Bronwyn Case Study for Rape Victims -myassignmenthelp

Questions: 1. What help can you offer her regarding her social situation?2.How will you address the issue of alleged rape? What is the legislation around reporting for domestic violence in your state or territory and what is the process for reporting? Answers: 1. The strongest necessity for Bronwyn is the need for a safe shelter. Bronwyn admits that she is living rough and she has no contact with her parents. Apparently, the lack of a safe shelter is the major contributing factor to her misfortunes. In this case, I will ensure that I provide her with a safe shelter from where she can access maternity care and treatment of her infections. Second, I will enroll her to a recovery center. Bronwyn agrees to have been sexually active for about two years with many sexual partners. She also claims that she was raped and she is not sure who the father of the baby she is expecting is. In her social situation, she must have met with shady individuals, which might have left her with psychological and emotional damage that can lead to mental illness (Mulla, 2014). Therefore, it is important for Bronwyn to go through rehabilitation and counseling as part of her recovery in order to gain a sense of self. 2. The most important consideration when addressing an issue of alleged rape is by determining the wants of the alleged victim. It is clear that Bronwyn decided not to report the incident to the police other than talking about it to the nurses who are bound by their ethical practice to respect her privacy. However, I will first assure the victim that she is going to be treated with dignity. I will then go ahead to take a well-detailed medical and verbal history of the alleged incident and ask questions regarding her sexual history. This helps to accurately make a report and make the laboratory staff aware of consensual partners who may have interacted with the patient after the incident (Haazelwood Burgess, 2016). Thereafter, I will explain the purpose and nature of the examination to the patient which is meant to collect any evidence for court purposes. I will also carry out a complete body medical examination and collect necessary samples. Further, I will obtain a written consent from the victim for medical evidence to be obtained and disclosed to a court of law. Lastly, I will record the detailed findings of my examination. In New South Wales, Part 13A of the Crimes Act 2007 requires service providers to make mandatory reports of any relevant information about perpetrators and victims of domestic violence (Phillips Vandenbroek, 2014). The process of reporting domestic violence in my state begins with a service provider completing a mandatory report guide and taking the appropriate action as required by the law(Mulla, 2014). They could make a report to a child protection helpline or make a referral to any of the prescribed organizations such as the NSW police force (Taylor, Ibrahim, Wakefield Finn, 2015). References Haazelwood, R. R., Burgess, A. W. (Eds). (2016). Practical aspects of rape investigation: A multidisciplinary approach. CRC Press. Mulla, S. (2014). The violence of care: Rape victims, forensic nurses, and sexual assault intervention. NYU Press. Phillips, J., Vandenbroek, P. (2014). Domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia: an overview of the issues. Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliamentary Library. Taylor, A., Ibrahim, N., Wakefield, S., Finn, K. (2015). Domestic and family violence protection orders in Australia: An investigation of information sharing and enforcement. State of knowledge paper.