Friday, March 13, 2020

Analysis and Discussion of essays

Analysis and Discussion of essays Running head: SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE FIRST DECADE OF PERSONAL COMPUTING The First Decade of Personal Computing The First Decade of Personal Computing is an interesting account of the technological and financial highs and lows of the computer revolution of the 1970s. Computers of today have evolved from the 1950s room-filling monsters, which required a small army of people to maintain and operate. The 70s computer revolution should be grouped by the following years. From 1970-1974, frustrated engineers accumulated plentiful creative hours inside garages or in other various work centers attempting to turn their computer dreams into reality. In 1975 one of the first and most successful personal computer, Altair 8800, was created and sold. The spring of 1976 Steve Wozniak unveiled the Apple I. Several other computers emerged during this time due to the increased demand and innovation. In 1977 a major paradigm shift changed the way computers were sold. Fueled by the innovative shifts of Apple II, Commodore Pet, and the TRS-80, computers shifted from the kit to the assembled versions. From 1978 until the early 80s the focus shifted to software support. The development of office software applications and video games provided the core technology for computers to become essential for everyday applications. Companies like IBM, APPLE, and Radio Shack profited during the revolution while even more failed. The following key concepts were exhibited through out the article: Ingredients of a new venture, Entrepreneurial Style, and Dynamics of new ventures. All new high-tech ventures have 5 elements, all of which were present in Steve Wozniaks invention of the Apple I. Wozniaks first ingredient, a new product or process or service based on new technology, was the ca ...